
Showing posts from May, 2016

Trending CocoaPods

 Last updated 2016-01-18 # Name Watchers Count Change Description 1 CoreDragon 42 Stop using context menus. Drag and drop instead, even between apps! 2 React 33 Build high quality mobile apps using React. 3 SwiftFlow 32 Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift 4 SAConfettiView 32 Confetti! Who doesn't like confetti?' 5 TYPFontAwesome 31 The iconic font designed for Bootstrap. Contains only the official font files directly from Font Awesome. 6 Changeset 31 Minimal edits from one collection to another 7 ElasticTransition 29 A UIKit custom modal transition that simulates an elastic drag. Written in Swift. 8 TransitionTreasury 26 Easier way to push your viewController. 9 StatefulViewController 24 Placeholder views based on content, loading, error or empty states 10 Alamofire 22 Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift 11 PageMenu 21 A paging menu controller built from other view controllers allowing the user to switch between any kind of view controller. 12 SwiftyDB 19 Making SQLit...

List of tutorials and sample apps for tvOS

Developer documentation Developer Library Programming Guide Human Interface Guidelines Tutorials Beginning tvOS development - Ray Wenderlich Developing tvOS Apps with Swift Swift and Metal GPU programming on tvOS for the new Apple TV Top Shelf API - Video Tutorial Hands-on with the tvOS SDK Client-Server tvOS app How to Create Apple TV’s Parallax Effect Mastering the tvOS Focus Engine Develop Client-Server App for Apple TV Developing for the Apple TV with tvOS, Swift, JavaScript, and TVML An introduction tutorial to tvOS and Sprite Kit Articles Ray Wenderlich - tvOS initial impressions Apple TV - A World Without Webviews Sample Code TVML Catalog - iOS Developper Library

25 Realm Resources and Tutorials

Realm for Cocoa Tutorials: Ray Wenderlich – Introduction to Realm Getting Started with Realm Database for iOS NSScreencast Episode #132 — Realm (Video) How iComics Switched from Core Data to Realm in One Evening (Video) Building a To-Do App with Realm Realm, A New Database To iOS Part 1 (article in Spanish) Podcasts: Ray Wenderlich Podcast — Realm with JP Simard S02 E03 CocoaRadio Episode 14 — Alexander Stigsen on Realm Editorial & Review: The Next Web — Realm is a Refreshing, Open-Source Mobile Database Product for iOS developers Inessential by Brent Simmons — New Database 5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Realm Over CoreData/SQLite A Lightweight Faster Than SQLite Database With Code Based Queries, Relationships And More How to Manage the Persistence in iOS applications with Realm (article in Italian) Introduction to Realm (article in Chinese) Art & Logic — Realm, A New Mobile Database InfoQ — Realm: Low-Footprint, Thread-Safe Database For...

Google AdMob in Swift

Let's create a simple single view application Create a new  Xcode  project Choose a template for your new project -> select "Single View Application" -> Next Fill your product name and choose Language :  Swift Build and run your new project, the app will show a blank screen. Let's add AdMob  SDK  into your application Note: CocoaPods is the  dependency  manager for  Swift  and  Objective-C We will install AdMob  SDK  by using CocoaPods. There are 2 steps for the installation. 1.Create the Podfile (in the same directory as the example.xcodeproj) File name : Podfile File contents : source '' platform :ios, '7.0' pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK', '~> 7.0' 2.Install AdMob  SDK  by using Podfile Close all projects Open terminal Go to directory which has Podfile Run pod install Let's make a simple banner in your application 1.Open up file "example.x...

Objective-C: Memory Management

For every object that an application uses, memory must be allocated and subsequently deallocated to ensure that memory is being used efficiently. This is what we refer to as  memory management.  One of the primary goals of any memory management system is to reduce the amount of memory used at any given time. To better understand how to manage memory efficiently in Objective-C, we should probably cover the basics of our two sources of memory: the  stack  and the  heap . The stack is a section of memory that holds local variables, in addition to internal temporary values. When you call a method, the frame — the variables and operations that the function contains — moves briefly to the top of the stack. For the duration of that function call, the variables used are stored in the stack. After execution is complete, the frame moves off the top of the stack and the memory is deallocated. Programmers don’t take any explicit action over the stack — other than when...